Easy and Fun Gift: Sew a Book Cover

Easy and Fun Gift: Sew a Book Cover

Have you noticed that after a using a book a lot or after many years it tends to deteriorate? Now, you can protect your books by fabricating nice Bs. This solution can help you protect a different kind of books especially school books which sometimes have not beautiful covers.

You can make the covers with any durable material that you like. You might want to choose a piece of fabric that shows your personality, or you can find one that matches the rest of your elements like your backpack or your school supplies. You can even be creative and play with colors and fabric as you pleased.

You will need:

  • Book. It can be hardcover or paperback,
  • 1/2 yard fabric ( the one you chose),
  • Rotary cutter and mat, or scissors,
  • Thread,
  • Pins,
  • Needle.


Once that you have gathered all the elements needed, you just have to follow these simple five steps, and your cover will be ready to use.

  1. To begin, you should measure the book you are going to cover first. You need to determine the width and then, double it and add the width of the pine. After that, you can measure the length. They are the sizes of the book you will use, but you should add a 1/2″ seam allowance. Lastly, you will have to measure for the inner panels which are going to form the pockets to hold the cover on the book. In order to do this, you should subtract 1″ from the width of the cover. The length of the panel is the same length as the book. Also, add a 1/2″ seam allowance to the dimensions.
  2.  In this step, you need to cut out the pattern pieces using the sizes you already gathered. You should cut 2 of the large pieces, and 2 of the smaller pieces.
  3.  Now, put the two larger pieces together and pin them. Sew them together along the edge by using a straight stitch. Remember to leave a 2″ gap along the bottom edge,  so then you can use it to turn the cover right side out. Finally, you have to sew the gap closed.
  4.  You are almost finishing! So you need to pin the panels on the cover and place the front side facing you. Subsequently, you should pin the panels to the sides. Make sure that the right side faces the front side of the cover. End this step, by sewing them along their three outer edges.
  5.  To conclude, turn the cover right side out and put the book inside it. Book Cover is done!

As you can see, the book cover is really simple to do in just some steps. This is a good idea to protect your own books, your children´s school books or even as a gift. Give it a try and keep books protected.bB

If you find this information useful and you want to know more about the sewing world and get more ideas to do at home, please contact us. Or visit our webpage to read more.