Quilters’ Choice – Quilting Angels

Quilters’ Choice – Quilting Angels

Do you know a Quilting Angel?  Our Angels have been getting together most every month for almost 20 years.  They have been making quilts for children in our community who are less fortunate than most.  Children’s Home Society is the recipient of the majority of the quilts and blankets made by these wonderful ladies.  Children who’ve been taken from a bad situation and placed in Foster care or one of the many other programs with CHS, have a very special Social Worker who will help them select a colorful quilt or blanket to take with them wherever they go.  No one can take it from them.  It’s their security blanket.  We’ve seen pictures of adoptions with smiling children of all ages with their special blanket or quilt.  It warms our heart to know we a helping them if just a little…one quilt at a time.

The ladies meet one Sunday a month, bring a yummy potluck dish to share with each other and enjoy each other’s company while selecting fabric, cutting, pressing and quilting their creations.  We have one woman who brings in an armload of quilts each month she’s made at home.  Retired from working in an elementary school she continues working with children’s welfare close to her heart.  Another loves to crochet and brings no fewer than 10 blankets each month to add to the colorful array.  One young lady came with her Mom during her four years in high school and earned her community service credits with us.  She was just married this weekend.

The list goes on and on.  We have seen joy and heartache among the ladies who have come and gone from this group.  But one thing is for certain….we keep on quilting and creating security blankets for children less fortunate than ourselves.  If you would like to join them our doors are open. Give us a call or check our calendar for the date and time.  If you are unable to join us but would like to help in some small way, go through your stash and make a quilt or even a quilt top out of child-friendly, brightly colored fabrics and donate it to the cause.  When you clean out your closet, drop off fabric and we’ll put it to great use.  If we don’t use it, there are other groups that would love to have it.  We love to share!  We are angels.